Additional services

We are happy to provide you with various amenities on request

  • Refreshment or catering in general
  • Newspapers
  • Larger space for the legs between the seats
  • Tables
  • Car seat
  • Umbrellas
  • Cover
  • We are also happy to provide a hostess for the trip, who will look after the group and take care of the physical well-being.

A lot of luggage? A ski box, a trailer for extra luggage or a special bike trailer are available according to your needs to ensure that "getting you there in comfort" does not remain an empty promise at all times.

Special individual needs

Do you want a coach that is specially branded according to your ideas? We would be happy to discuss individual solutions with you that are specifically tailored to your needs.


+41 78 347 18 76
Vegatour Schweiz GmbH
Obergrundstrasse 61
6003 Luzern

