
As a member of ASTAG and its specialist group for coaches, we are committed to supporting the needs of the industry and the sustainable development of our junior staff in training and further education.

We are a member of kmu swiss, one of the largest network platforms for small and medium-sized companies in Switzerland.

HST Chamber of Commerce Switzerland – Czech Republic supports economic relations between the Czech Republic and Switzerland, provides contacts, information and legal assistance.

  • Information about the Czech and Swiss markets including statistical data
  • Proof of company, product and private label by means of a comprehensive database
  • Export consulting
  • Support in the search for trading partners
  • Seminars, information conferences, business days in the Czech Republic and Switzerland
  • Joint actions under our own direction or in cooperation with the Swiss-Central Europe Chamber of Commerce SEC Zurich, with Switzerland Global Enterprise, with state authorities, with business associations, chambers of commerce and similar partners
  • Legal Service – information service on legal regulations, mediation of professional legal advisors, advice on accounting, tax and customs issues
  • Fairs and exhibitions – information about trade fairs, cooperation in the organization of official participation in fairs and exhibitions


+41 78 347 18 76
Vegatour Schweiz GmbH
Obergrundstrasse 61
6003 Luzern

